There are many working opportunities within Sarangship that can provide you with a thoroughly rewarding career, which is a mix of what you are good at, what you like to do, and what the organization needs. We look for talented individuals to take our company into the future. We carefully select people who have the right motivation, skills and experience to thrive in our dynamic and diverse environment.
The company is backed by the professional and well experienced recruitment team which helps to provide skilled and professional seafarers to the client who can take up any challenge onboard. Simultaneously, we also make sure that promises made to the seafarers are kept to seafarer’s satisfaction.
If you're interested in becoming a valued member of the Sarangship team, please send your resume at or apply online. Your resume will be sent directly to our recruitment database, which is accessed by human resources and hiring managers.
Find out what you like doing best
and get someone to pay you for doing it.